Telus G2
Christopher Wright, design principal at figure3 and partner in charge of the TELUS account.
TELUS approached figure3 to help them redefine the customer experience and create a new retail environment that would go head-tohead with new and incumbent players. The goal was to shift consumer mindset and behaviour from a “needsbased transaction” to an “active, dialogue-based engagement”. figure3 undertook 4 months of customer research leading to a strategic design platform that guided the prototype design. The design aimed at engendering free-flowing interaction and created four customer interaction zones each supported with marketing + communications tools and a new staffing model to enhance the customer experience. Since opening, the success of the new stores has been exceptional: debuting locations have recorded the highest-grossing monthly sales within their Canadian retail network. The customer traffic levels have increased substantially generating better consumer dialogue and an increased number of transactions. With non-customers coming in to the store to explore and engage with the products and services, TELUS has seen an explosive in-store sales conversion rate from their key competitors.